istanbul and living with my closest friends, crystal and scott. they came to turkey with 4 cats, all of which i will introduce shortly. they adopted 3 more from the streets of yenikoy. living with cats has not just been an unforgettable has been the only one and that makes it pretty special. i have learned more about yoga from cats than i did in my 4 week yoga course in india!
al. al is scott's baby. the sensitive delikanli in the house. al teaches the girls how to fight without hurting them, sleeps without snoring and does not push closed doors. he wants to be friends with everyone but is not insistent when it comes to human beings. he is insistent with bella who definitely does not want a platonic relationship with him.
beatrix also known as miss bee is al's best friend. she was the only one left in the pet store that scott found her at. he took her home to a weeping al who was lonely from having lost his feline friend. miss bee walked in, al and miss bee touched noses and they have been inseparable since. open hearts welcome the open hearted. miss bee gets bitchy with beautiful nina for reasons crystal and i cannot figure out. we believe it is the dynamic needed for the balance of energies.
nina. a grey blue half siamese cat, the prettiest and most spoilt of all. crystal's baby. she will never grow up. she reminds me of cleopatra...nina will just come to my room, gracefully hop on the bed and lay stretched out ready to be flattered and loved. she asks without being pushy and she does not flip out if you are unavailable at that moment. nina loves laying up high on doors, shelves and cabinets. she likes it up high because one can see a lot when removed from the chaos. i understand her...
bella. orange, chubby and a sleepy head. all she wants is to be left alone so she can get some quality sleep goddammit! she does not want to socialize or talk or meow, she just wants a breeze to chill out in. that's all. a cat who knows what she wants. how lucky for you if you know what you want. bella is adapting rather well to the heat of istanbul, she has previous experience of the humidity and heat of florida you see...
jack is the brother of megan. the 2 black kitties rescued from the dangerous streets of istanbul. their mother died fighting for their safety and crystal and scott made it their duty to take care of them. jack and meg are siblings but very different from each other. the only way to make out jack from meg is his big green eyes and panther like tail. megan is the tinier version of that except for the turkan soray kind of eyes. jack is the duh jockey who loves new things and will take unnnecessary risks. jack loves turkish food too. megan on the other hand is a cat from cat hell who believes she deserves everything she wants. she likes nibbling on arms, hands, chin when she is in a loving mood. she also likes to touch your face fiercely for no reason whatsoever. everyone stays away from her unless she approches someone.
little black and white, also known as LBW. she was rescued and had to go through a hind leg operation. she sits on window sills and human laps with the left hind leg outstretched, kind of like a sexy greta garbo pose. she does have a sexy tush which she keeps tight with frequent leg stretches. her fur is like a rabbit. LBW has become a house cat finally. she had a rough time just being home instead of being outside. scott always says, 'you can take the cat off the street but you can't take the street out of the cat!'
cats are amazing to watch. their adaptability, their love and caring, their reactions to conversations with them...they are yogic ALL the time. having them in my life has given me an inside look at how to just relax and live. one shouldn't make life so complicated...
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