do you know how many people have asked me what 'yogo' was? many. many people. most people are under the impression that yoga is this group of people trying hard to get their bodies into these weird contortions. hardly. yoga is not about those contortions, it's the path that leads one to look beyond the senses.
it's not easy. yoga has been in my life since i was 16. and i am still trying to live yoga in my life. yoga is a way of life. it's a choice. i choose to be happy and to be free. it's a choice to wake up every morning with that. it's tough being free in the world we live in. i would rather give a shoulder massage to the cashier than pay money for groceries. i wish everyone was biking in istanbul. i want to eat chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner and not have to think about cellulite. so even at the tiniest level of existence being free is not simple. but what is simple is making the choice to be simple.
simplicity can start from giving away clothes you haven't worn for 2 years, buying detergent that is environmently friendly, giving a compliment to someone or just going for a walk after work and switching off your cellphone. simplicity is cleaning out what you do not really need. do you really need to have a kofte ekmek in the middle of the night knowing you are going to suffer the consequences all night long? do you really need to make excuses to not meet a friend instead of just saying "let's meet another day"?
what has yoga done for me? it helped me cope with life for starters. just doing the sun salutation in the morning helps me feel alive. you go through a routine and you feel safe but how safe is it? it's a whirlpool of kidding yourself that you are living life but are you able to do what you want at any point of the day? do you know what you want? to answer some of these questions of course you need time! and time's only responsbility is to keep going. it's a rule for me to make time for myself everyday and that means not answering emails, not talking on the phone with my mom, not runnig after errands. all that are resoponsibilities. making time for yourself is just being. you could be in the car at a red light and make time for yourself by going blank. going blank is tough. the times i have been blank involuntarily have been when someone told me shocking news or i fell hard when playing. here's news for you: go blank once a day and things become clearer. when i made the choice to live certain moments in awareness i go blank and i am all there in that moment. it's in what deepak chopra calls 'the gap' that one becomes the most alert, where one can create their dreams and one where there is peace. this blankness can also be achieved in yoga poses that are held for a long period of time.
enough about yoga for now. try to go blank for at least 30 seconds. the trick is to watch and concentrate what thought is going to pop up next in your mind.
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